Monday, April 29, 2013

Annual Check-in with Dr. Nelson

Waiting to be seen... getting some math work done.
We had our first "annual" check-in with Dr. Nelson this morning.
I'll never forget last year when he said, "Looks great! Ok, we'll see you next year."
Next year?! Wow, I guess it IS looking great.
And my, how that year has flown by.
We're a little less than 2 months away from the 2 year anniversary of surgery day (the day the Taylor Spatial Frame was put on and the stretching/straightening began)... and Josiah IS doing great.

At the appointment today, Dr. Nelson (friendly and lovely as always) watched Josiah walk a little, handled his foot (checking the mobility, etc) and then said, "Wow, that foot is looking good. Let me take a few pictures) :)  Praise the Lord! I mean, I was happy with it, but to hear him feel the same, it made my heart happy. (ie. It was all worth it).

Then we discussed the right foot. Long story short, Dr. Nelson is not worried about it. He showed me that Josiah can get his heel relatively flat, and so he is not putting all his weight on the outside of his foot as I figured. It is turned some, so he doesn't necessarily "roll off" his big toe when he walks/runs, (he pushes more off the little toes) but he's not walking entirely on the outside of his foot.  In Dr. Nelson's opinion, it's  not bad enough to warrant pain & challenges of the fixator frame or even the triple arthrodesis surgery later (unless it starts to cause him problems).

Josiah & I  were relieved to hear this... No surgery necessary now or in the future unless something changes.

Dr. Nelson explained that while cosmetically speaking, we could change the foot's appearance with the fixator, it would not significantly improve functionality. He said, "If he were my son, I'd leave it alone." So we will! :)

My boy can run, jump, climb and play. Can't ask for more than that. Glory to God.

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